
Wednesday, 25 January 2012

May birthstone

May birthstone is emerald. It is the fascinating green in color and pretty delicate stone. The rich green color of emerald is the color of spring, so ancients prized it as the gemstone symbolizing love and rebirth. May is the month of springtime, romance and the perfect love. Perhaps, this may be regarded as one of the reasons for the concern of emerald as May birthstone. If you are a May born person and want to wear emerald, here are some must know things.

Emerald is the green colored stone is regarded as the symbol of compassion and love. It belongs to the planet mercury. It should be worn with the five mental or silver rings and should be worn into smallest finger. It is believed that emerald is effective for three years since the time of wearing. If you are looking for a May born person, gift May Birthstone and wish him good luck.

Charming Features Of Emerald The Gemstone

The most charming feature of emerald is its color. Nowadays, it is scientifically proven that human eye perceives green color more sensitively than any other color. May be this is the reason that is why green color soothes to the eye and complements every other color. Some transparent emeralds are also available but they are extremely rare and which enable them to get higher price than diamonds. Some online gemstone dealers are providing Discount Emerald Gemstones which can cut few costs on the purchase.

If you have been through Grecian history, it is believed that Queen of beauty Cleopatra esteemed her emeralds more than any other gem. She may have dropped her pearls in her wine for Mark Anthony; however, she kept her emeralds for herself.

Benefits of Wearing Emerald

•             Increases happiness
•             Lessens the chances of snake bite
•             Defenses the wearer from evil spirits
•             Cures mental illness, nervous problems, blood related problems too
•             Adds patience and consistency to the personality of the bearer
•             If worn by a pregnant woman helps to reduce maternal pain of pregnant women.

According to all these benefits and rarity and valuableness of emeralds, increases the opportunity for the development of synthetics. Therefore, in the market, there are lots of fake and synthetic emeralds available at the very cheap prices. However, these Cheap Emerald Gemstones do not have exceptional qualities to boost your luck. They are of no use. Instead of it you can go for loose emerald gemstones available on the online gemstone stores or with any reputable gemologist.

No matter even if you are not may born, but your mercury is weak, wearing emerald will do very well for you. For physical and emotional healing emerald works extensively so, buy emerald gemstones and reduce the evil effects and bring good luck.

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