
Monday, 16 January 2012

Adorable Real Ruby Gemstone

Real ruby gemstone is the most adorable asset of a stunning ring, necklace or bracelet. The exceptional beauty and mesmerizing color of this precious gem attracts the attention of the people. Natural ruby works the best, however, it is very hard to find. Well to make the task easy, here we will discuss about some tips to recognize the real ruby crystals and gemstone.

The birth place of ruby is Burma. However, rubies are also available at Kenya, Tanzania and many other places, no bead could surpass the vivacity and value that a Burmese ruby has. Therefore Burmese ruby is more popular.
Ruby Precious Gems

Color Hues In Ruby

Often the ruby available is heated to enhance the color. The color range includes light pink to blood red hues. Even from the variety of crimson and scarlet red colors which are ranging from the pink to a ruddy violet color are available in ruby. Although the real ruby draws an impression of bloody red color, not any other shades. After diamonds, natural rubies are on the top of the test of hardness. The Chrystal clear and transparent rubies are the real charm for everyone. Its exceptional color hues and Rubies may vary into price because of their quality.

Qualities Of Real Ruby

·         Smoothness
·         Transparence
·         Luster
·         Brilliance
·         Hardness
The real ruby gemstone holds high specific gravity that helps the wearer to get some extra power to boost their instincts and relieve from all the tensions and worries. If a person wears a large ruby stone, the gem helps him to get out of poverty, and acquire prosperity. For the social and creative people who are more into name, fame glamour and publicity, ruby grants it all. While getting benefited with the real benefits of the ruby, the ruby should be real.

Who Can Wear Real Ruby

Many people who have zodiac sign Leo or whose sun’s position is weak in their horoscope, are advised to wear Ruby into their middle finger to boost their luck. Being a July birthstone, works great for the July born people. Real red ruby can bestow health, wealth and prosperity to the July born people.

These days because of the rare availability and expensive prices, there are lots of duplicate pieces are available. If a faulty ruby is worn, it can invite problems to your life with bothers. Therefore, it is better to know some tests before identifying a real ruby.

Some Tests To Identify Real Ruby

·         When a real ruby is placed on lotus bud, in short time, it will open up and become a blossoming lotus.
·         Place a ruby in a glass jar; if a red light shade will be seen to radiate from the jar, it’s a real ruby.
·         Put some pearls with a ruby in a silver plate in sunlight. If the ruby is real, the silver plate will appear blackish and pearls will have a red hue and the ruby will shine like a sun. 
Following the above mentioned tests, you can differentiate between real and unreal ruby and find out the real ruby gemstone.

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