
Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Alexandrite Gemstones: The birth stone of June

Alexandrite: The Phenomenal Gemstone

The phenomenon of changing color is the most significant identity of Alexandrite gemstones; in daylight it is green in color whereas it looks reddish-purple in artificial light! This miracle is called as trichroic and this optical characteristic makes it rare and most expensive.

This rare and beautiful gemstone was discovered in 1830 in Russia, and was named after Czar Alexander II as a birthday gift for the young boy, and thus called as June Month Birthstone. This Loose Gemstone falls under the Chrysoberyl family of minerals.

Geologists suggest that, this magical gemstone can be the best Marriage Anniversary gift. It is generally preferred for 45 and 55th year anniversary. The major mines producing Alexandrite gemstones are located in Burma, but now they are also available in Zimbabwe, Brazil and Sri Lanka. In todayĆ¢€™s market, India ranks among top positions in the production of this gemstone, but the USA is the largest market.

According to Research these gemstones are very difficult to get. Nowadays, Jewelers have set the artificial Gemstones market by considering the high demand of customers. To find real gemstone is a difficult task. The Russian variety of this Loose gemstone is held reserve in the exhibition hall.
Moonstone has been yet another optional birth stone for June. These lustrous, sparkling silver-blue gems are unconditionally mesmerizing.

It is the most durable gemstone and very easy to maintain, use steam or ultrasonic cleaners. This appealing fine quality gem is rare but not difficult to get search for the best online shop and get discount rates with maximum quality gemstone.

This Natural gemstone also has few metaphysical properties:
  • It helps in enhancing self-confidence
  • It induces awareness and creativity.
  • Supports to strengthen feelings towards sensuality and love.
  • It reinforces self-esteem, and brings a smile on face and success in career.
  • It brings good prosperity to its wearer.
  • Wearing this loose gemstone at left hand proves helpful, as it fights against unwanted vitality.

Alexandrite Gemstone : A Magical touch for health

This loose gemstone has Divine health effects and few are listed below:
  • Treats lymph enlarged nodes.
  • It has a proven effect in treating disorders of the pancreas.
  • This gemstone is used in the treatment of spleen.
  • It helps in generating neurological tissues.
  • It solves problems regarding nervous system.
  • Valuable in the treatment of leukemia and its ailments.

Mesmerizing effect of the Natural Gemstone

Enhance your eternal beauty through this unique gemstone; flourish this color changing gemstone through your jewels. Wear this gemstone as finger ring and necklace, and enjoy the best look with blessings.Attract your love and find the soul mate for life. This gemstone has ability to change the lives, include them in your life and see the miracles.

This is most attractive and incredible gem to have. Girls flaunt your beauty with this delicate gemstone and make yourself noticed.

Resource Link: Alexandrite Gemstones | Natural Precious Gemstones | Gemstones